IW4x - Modern Warfare 2 - Wiki

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โ”œ>Configuration Files
โ””>Commonly DVars/Commands

IW4x (and the base game) are configured using DVars, or Dynamic Variables.
DVars can be set using the console or configuration files (.cfg).
Some DVars can be set in the game's options menu, but most of them can only be set in the console. Many DVars are restricted to the server or client, some will also depend on other DVars like sv_cheats being set to a specific value.


To open the console, press ~ (tilde) on your keyboard. This key may differ by layout, its usually the key under esc, next to 1.

The IW4x console supports autocompletion, so you can type the beginning of a DVar name and press tab to autocomplete it.
You can expand the whole console using shift + ~.

Changing the value of a DVar/executing a command is as simple as typing it, followed by its value and pressing enter.

com_maxfps 333{ENTER}

If you want to set the value of a new/undefined DVar, you can do so using the set command:

set cg_coolDvar 1

Configuration Files

IW4x automatically loads players/iw4x_config.cfg, which is the default config file.

Server configs are stored in the userraw folder instead, they can be named however you like. Pre-made configs are available on GitHub. On servers userraw/autoexec.cfg or mods/modname/autoexec.cfg will also be executed automatically.

Config files can be loaded using the exec command.

exec my_custom_config.cfg

Commonly DVars/Commands

DVar/Command Example Description
name name "Unknown Soldier" Changes the player name
unlockstats unlockstats Unlock everything and rank up to max prestige
cg_fov cg_fov 90 (default 65) Changes your field of view
sensitivity sensitivity 0.9 Used to fine-tune your mouse sensitivity
intro intro 0 Toggle the IW4x intro on startup
cg_drawfps cg_drawFPS 1 Display the FPS counter
cl_yawspeed cl_yawspeed 800 Adjust the yaw(turn)speed
customtitle customtitle "IW4x" Sets a custom title on your calling card
com_maxfps com_maxfps 333 Sets the FPS limit
connect connect Connect to a server
map map mp_rust Change the current map
fast_restart fast_restart Restart the current map without loading screen
map_restart map_restart Restart the current map
devmap devmap mp_rust Load a map with sv_cheats enabled
developer developer 1 Enable developer debug mode
god god Makes the player invinicible
ufo ufo Enable ufo mode
noclip noclip Disables collosions and allows the player to fly
g_gametype g_gametype gun Change the gametype
rcon login rcon login [password] Login to rcon server console
rcon rcon map mp_rust Execute command on the rcon server