IW4x - Modern Warfare 2 - Wiki

IW4x - Overview ๐Ÿก† GSC

Table of contents

โ””>GSC Scripting Language Documentation
โ”œ>Variables and Data Types
โ”œ>Control Structures
โ”œ>Threads and Coroutines
โ”œ>IW4X-Specific Features
โ””>Example scripts

GSC Scripting Language Documentation

GSC (Game Script Code) is a scripting language designed for creating and managing game logic, behaviors, and interactions within the game environment. This documentation provides a short overview of the GSC syntax and operators. GSC syntax is similiar to C++ and generally rather easy to understand.
This documentation is specifically targeted at IW4x and is not meant to teach you how to code but rather as a reference to get you started.
Your most important resource for modding will be a GSC dump from the original game.

Variables and Data Types

GSC supports various data types, including integers, floats, strings, arrays, vectors, and entities. Variables are dynamically typed and can be assigned without explicit type declarations.

score = 0;
playerName = "PlayerOne";
position = (0, 0, 0);
isAlive = true;
ent = undefined;


Functions are the building blocks of GSC scripts, allowing for reusable code and organized logic. The entry-point function is called init.

Function Definition

Functions are defined with a name and a list of parameters. They can perform actions, return values, or manipulate entities.

    // Function body

Mandatory and Optional Arguments

Functions can have both mandatory and optional arguments. Optional arguments are handled using IsDefined to check if they were provided.

getClosest(org, array, maxdist)
    if (!IsDefined(maxdist))
        maxdist = 500000; // Default value
    // Function body

Control Structures

GSC provides standard control structures for managing the flow of execution within scripts.

Conditional Statements

Conditional statements execute code blocks based on specified conditions. GSC supports if, else if, else, and switch statements.

if (condition)
    // Code if condition is true
else if (anotherCondition)
    // Code if anotherCondition is true
    // Code if none of the above conditions are true

    case "option1":
        // Code for option1
    case "option2":
        // Code for option2

GSC also supports single line if statements.

if (condition)


Loops allow for repeated execution of code blocks.
GSC supports for, foreach and while loops. Infinite loops are usually created using for (;;).
Loops can be paused using waittill and waittill_either until a certain event occurs, for example waittill("connected", player); will pause the loop until a player connects to the match. wait(0.1) is used to pause the loop for a set amount of time. The minimum wait time used is usually 0.05. Loops support the typical continue and break statements.

  • for(;;), while(true) - Infinite loop
  • for (i = 0;i < 15;i++), while (i < 15) - Conditional loop
  • foreach (player in level.players)
  • waittill("connected", player) - Pause thread until event is fired
  • waittill_either("weapon_fired", "giveLoadout")
  • wait(0.1), wait(15)
  • continue, break
for (;;)
    // Repeating actions

foreach (player in level.players)

while (true)
    // Repeating actions


GSC includes standard operators for arithmetic, comparison, and logical operations.

  • Arithmetic Operators: +, -, *, /, %
  • Comparison Operators: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
  • Logical Operators: && (AND), || (OR), ! (NOT)
sum = a + b;
isEqual = (a == b);
isValid = (x > 0) && (y < 10);

Example power and rounding functions.

pow(base, exp) {
    if (exp == 0) { return 1; }
    return base * pow(base, exp - 1);

round(num, dec) {
    power = pow(10, dec);
    x = num * power;
    x += 0.5;
    x = floor(x) / power;
    return x;


Arrays store collections of elements and can hold various data types, including entities.

players = [];
players[size] = player1;
players[size] = player2;

foreach (player in players)


- `isSubStr`
- `string_starts_with`

Threads and Coroutines

GSC utilizes threads to handle concurrent execution.
Threads can be stored on different entities, for example the level or player. You will often see the use of self to refer to the current entity.
Threads can be set to end when a certain event occurs using endon.

	level thread onPlayerConnect();

    // This thread does not contain an endon, so it will run until the match ends or the map changes.
    while (true)
        level waittill("connected", player);
        player thread onPlayerSpawned();

    // This thread will end itself when the player disconnects
    self endon("disconnect");
    while (true)
        self waittill("spawned_player");
        self setClientDvar("r_fog", 0);


Notifiers are used to send an Event that can be caught with waittill.

level notify("spawned_player")
self notify("graceComplete")

You can implement custom player commands (triggered using the console or a keybind) using a notifier too:

self notifyOnplayerCommand("notifiername", "+commandname");
while (true)
    self waittill("notifiername");
    println("Command executed");


  • connect
    • player; emitted on player connected
  • disconnect
    • player, emitted on disconnect
  • player_spawned, spawned
    • player; emitted on player (re)spawn
  • giveLoadout
    • player; emitted when the player is given their chosen loadout (on spawn & class change)


It's possible to create fully custom HUDs.
createFontString and createServerFontString can be used to create text elements on either a specific player or the entire server.

info = level createServerFontString("objective", 0.95);
info setPoint("CENTER", "BOTTOM", 0, -10);
info.glowalpha = .6;
info.hideWhenInMenu = true;
info.glowcolor = ( .7, .3, 1 );
info setText("Fancy texty");


  • player getCurrentWeapon()
  • player takeWeapon("semtex_mp")
  • player _unsetperk("specialty_pistoldeath")
  • player maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk("specialty_quickdraw")
  • player switchToWeapon(weapon)

Weapons are built to a weapon string which contains the base weapon, attachments and camos.
To check for a base weapon isSubStr can be used isSubStr(weapon, "cheytac") (cheytac = intervention).


Comments are used to annotate and explain code. GSC supports single-line and multi-line comments.

// This is a single-line comment

  This is a
  multi-line comment


Includes go at the top of a script and are used to include other scripts, mostly utility collections that provide pre-defined functions for common tasks.
Reference a GSC dump to find includes and functions.

#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;

IW4X-Specific Features

Loading scripts

Scripts are loaded automatically from the userraw/scripts folder. They are simple text files with the .gsc extension. Only the host (dedicated or private match) will load scripts, but they affect all clients.


replaceFunc allows replacing an existing function with a new one.

#include maps\mp\gametypes\_damage;

        replaceFunc(maps\mp\gametypes\_damage::Callback_PlayerDamage, ::playerDamage_stub);

isAllowedWeapon(weapon) {
        if (!(
                isSubStr(weapon, "thermal") ||
                isSubStr(weapon, "heartbeat") ||
                isSubStr(weapon, "acog") ||
                isSubStr(weapon, "silencer") ||
                isSubStr(weapon, "riotshield")
        ) && (
                isSubStr(weapon, "cheytac") ||
                isSubStr(weapon, "m40a3") ||
                isSubStr(weapon, "throwingknife")
        )) {
                return true;
        return false;

playerDamage_stub(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime) {
        damage = 0;
        if (isAllowedWeapon(sWeapon)) {
                damage = 1000;
        if (sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_FALLING") {
                damage = iDamage * 0.8;


Example scripts

Player-togglable Crosshair

#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;

init() {
    level thread onPlayerConnect();

onPlayerConnect() {
    while (true) {
        level waittill("connected", player);
        player thread crosshair();

crosshair() {
    self endon("disconnect");

    // Create a text element on the HUD. We could use `createServerFontString` to create a global crosshair.
    crosshair = self createFontString("objective", 0.95);
    crosshair setPoint("CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 0);
    crosshair.glowalpha = .8;
    crosshair.hideWhenInMenu = true;
    crosshair.glowcolor = ( .2, .2, .2 );
    crosshair.color = ( .75, .75, .75 );
    crosshair.alpha = 0.9;
    crosshair setText("+");

    // Store the state of the crosshair in a variable
    crosshair_enabled = true;

    // Register a command that toggles the crosshair
    self notifyOnplayerCommand("crosshair", "+crosshair");

    while (true) {
        // Wait for the command to be executed
        self waittill("crosshair");

        // Toggle the crosshair
        if (crosshair_enabled) {
            crosshair setText("");
            crosshair_enabled = false;
        } else {
            crosshair setText("+");
            crosshair_enabled = true;

Setting client dvars

    level thread onPlayerConnect();

    while (true)
        level waittill("connected", player);
        player thread onPlayerSpawned();

    self endon("disconnect");

    while (true)
        self waittill("spawned_player");
        self setClientDvar("r_fog", 0);
        self setClientDvar("fx_enable", 0);